Saturday, March 22, 2008

I will one day release a Yuri comic called Silvertown :3

Nothing, just wanted to say that... I wanted to put it in my sig but someone might steal that idea from me! So no...
Anyway, onto the blog entry! Stolen from Sharaia's journal entry. I LOVE character quizzes. ://3
1. choose a few of your own characters. Five at the most.
2. make them answer the following questions.
3. then tag three people.
4. feel free to go ahead and add some questions yourself!!

Reniel Feirengard
Rhapsody Feirengard
Kathura Azalee
Rienzan M**** (forgot his surname! :faint:)
Raei Anne Storme
Sonarra Deina Hawk
Carlh Sanders
Dhirve Malcod (!!!!)
Jhay Valence

How old are you?
Reniel: 16
Rhapsody: Umm...16? I have amnesia...:<
Kathura: 14. >:3
Rienzan: 1000++ I stopped counting...Hey, I lost track, okay?!
Raei: 18 =^_^= (lol kitteh)
Sonarra: 21. Aangal ka?
Carlh: 18 :>
Dhirve: 20. Elite age.
Jhay: 21.

What is your height?
Reniel: 6 ft
Rhapsody: 5' 9" (in Frhaine's dreams lol)
Kathura: 5' 10"!!!
Frhaine: Liar! Don't ruin my character design! You're only 5 ft.! The end, tapos, period!!!
Kathura: I hate it when you ruin all the fun...T_T
Rienzan: Normal height: 6'5" Other ego's height: 6'9" (wow...)
Raei: 5' 6"
Sonarra: 5' 10"
Carlh: 5' 10" :< short for a guy? No...
Dhirve: SHUT UP I DON'T KNOW!!!! Frhaine, assign me a height already!
Jhay: Uhh...:?:?:? I have no clue? Fine then, maybe I'm 6' 7"...

Are you a virgin?
Reniel: Yeah...
Rhapsody: Yupperz!!! :D
Reniel: Are you sure?
Rhapsody: :worry: Not really...
Kathura: Maybe...:3 hint, hint
Rienzan: wtf is this question about?! >:o
Raei: Honestly? Yeah...? *it's a total lie!*
Risan: Raei!
Shaia: da cheatahrr >:D
Raei: >.<>
Sonarra: No, and I'm proud of it! >:D
Carlh: I think so...
Dhirve: Define "virgin" plz
Jhay: I swear, I never f***ed anyone!
Shaia: da cuss proves your guilt! >:o You're a cheatahrr, too?!
Jhay: Nooooo... I'm a virgin, I mean it!

Who's your mate/spouse?
Reniel: :3 secret
Rhapsody: Rienzan and Reniel are MINE!!!!
Frhaine: Goody, you got your memory back :3
Reniel: You don't have to be so outspoken, Rhapsody...
Shaia: You're siblings. :|
Kathura: No, Rhapsody dearest. Reniel is mine!
Rienzan: Frhaine ish miney...
Raei: Risan. :3
Shaia: Risan is mine. :|
Raei: Shut up and stop butting in!
Sonarra: Jed-sama ://3
Carlh: Blaire-chan!!!
Dhirve: Raei was lying about Risan. Raei's my mate! >:-(
Jhay: Shaia X3

Do you have any kids?
Reniel: Hell no!
Rhapsody: No, dude! I'm a virgin!
Kathura: *not a virgin but has no kids, yippee*
Rienzan: Noooo. Frhaine refuses labor.
Raei: Nope.
Sonarra: Nuh-uh
Carlh: Naww
Dhirve: Nah
Jhay: I died before Shaia and I had--!
Shaia: STFU!!!!

What's your favourite food?
Favorite food isn't just's hard to choose!
Reniel: probably any sweets or some healthy snack...:/
Rhapsody: Sweets00rz :3 yummeh... And the all-mighty native, national Sinigang!!! Honestly, why do you foreigners choose adobo over sinigang...??? :\
Kathura: anything spicy =3=
Rienzan: I eat? O.o I go for chocolatzz...
Frhaine: Now I know where my chocolates went!!! >80
Raei: salads
Sonarra: Uh...I keep my anything non-fat
Carlh: probably cream puffs...
Dhirve: Meat!!! High in protein!!!
Jhay: Anything that Shaia cooks for meh (:3 yummerz)

What's your favourite ice cream flavor?
Reniel: I love every ice cream there is...'cept for weird ones...
Rhapsody: same with Reniel ^______^
Kathura: I get the wasabi-type! Thank me for loving spicyness!!!
Rienzan: teh salt-sea ice cream :3 joke. Cookies n' cream, mango, Double Dutch, Rocky Road...the list goes on. It's addictive. X3
Raei: vanillaaaa??
Sonarra: Popsicles rule :3
Frhaine: That's not an ice cream flavor...:|
Carlh: Pistachio, yum yum
All: Agreedo!!!
Dhirve: Real men eat strawberry ice cream and love every mouthful of it. :nod:
Jhay: *is an ice cream lover* Ice cream!!! *sparkly eyes* *act like a kid in his favorite ice cream parlor*

Have you killed anyone?
Reniel: It's a part of the job.
Rhapsody: I'm an ex-assassin, I assume. And I hated so many people... They deserve to die!
Kathura: I let others do it... I don't like blood spilled over my gorgeous body.
Rienzan: I'm a Death Sickle. Stick with the story, will ya?
Raei: :cries: Sadly...YES! They made me do it! I'm innocent, but guilty!
Sonarra: I was sleeping... :o
Carlh: Yeah...I love the fizzle-shizzlin's sounds when my lightnin' hit 'em!
Dhirve: Answer: Yes. Reason: Job.
Jhay: They deserved it!

Do you hate anyone?
Reniel: Who doesn't?
Rhapsody: Well said, Reniel.
Kathura: Rhapsody! And Reniel, too, for not liking me back, but I forgive him. ^_^ *PLASTIC*
Rienzan: So many... So much hatred... This hatred is blood won't forgive me... *emo time*
Raei: Yuzz. *You know who*
Sonarra: I hate you
Carlh: Patronize me and I'll hate you
Dhirve: The enemies. And Shaia for being so stubborn and won't come with us to Rosmose to claim the throne and--!!!
Shaia: *Shoot*
Jhay: I hate Gelina for pushing herself towards me and pushing my Shaia away from me! :chainsaw:

Have any secrets?
Reniel: Again, who doesn't?
Rhapsody: Duh.
Kathura: Uh-huh!
Rienzan: Seriously, was that even a question? T_T Moroniatic acid, I say!
Raei: :) of course.
Sonarra: Hahah, lol at the moroniatic acid by Rienzan. XDDD yupparrz of courzie.
Carlh: I'm secretly lusting at Blaire...
Dhirve: I'm secretly hiding my secret from you...*suspicious look*
Jhay: I secretly slept in Shaia's bed before... You didn't hear that!

Do you love anyone?
Reniel: >//.//> :blushes: The now-Moon-Goddess Aileen (an ex-member)
Rhapsody: Duh! Would I have a mate if I don't love anyone?! Sheesh! *slaps you cuz the question was subnormal*
Kathura: I love myself :3
Frhaine: *Coughanyonecough*
Rienzan: Frhaine :iconhuggleplz:
Raei: I love you! And you, too! And you over there at the couch! *Loves so many people and now heartbroken and so desperate*
Sonarra: T_T Didn't I just tell you a few minutes ago? Jed! As in Jed Lypell! Click to see
Carlh: Blaire...(and previously Dhirve)
Dhirve: Raeeeiiiii
Jhay: Shaia, who else? X3

What is your job?
Reniel: Metal Elemental: Harvest Reaper, Clan Harvest Reaper leader
Rhapsody: Element uncertain: Weapon Cast
Kathura: Fire Spirit Guide: Aerial Snipe,
Rienzan: Dark Elemental: Demon, Doom Specialist, Grim Scythe, Death Sickle, in short, my job is to take away souls), Clan Dream's leader
Raei: Air Spirit Guide: Wind Sage, Air Cleric
Sonarra: *not a spirit guide at all* Celestial Archer, Clan Genesis (secondary/support clan) leader
Carlh: Lightning Elemental: Shock Striker, mercenary
Dhirve: Rain Elemental: Rain Cast/Rain Mage, mercenary, musician at a club...where a lovely hostess performs... =Q...
Jhay: Wind-Water Elemental: (classified

Boy or Girl?
Reniel: Male
Rhapsody: Girl
Kathura: gal *bitch*
Rienzan: Male
Sonarra: Lady
Carlh: Dude
Dhirve: Man
Jhay: Just shut up and say "Male", you freaks! Male!

What do you do to relax?
Reniel: I dunno... Sleep? *Yawn*
Rhapsody: Hmm...kill? No wait, that's the second one. Umm... Draw.
Kathura: Lounge *lol, wut?!*
Rienzan: Whatever
Raei: Read *is a bookworm*
Sonarra: s**?!
Carlh: Sing out loud
Dhirve: Go to the bar and watch 'til the dirty girls undress
Jhay: Train or date with Shy :3

If you could be another character, who would you be?
Reniel: Someone whom Aileen loves...
Rhapsody: I'd be Shaia... Her curves are so perfect...and her humps... *bi blood arises!*
Kathura: I'd be the Aileen person Reniel was speaking of!
Rienzan: I'm perfectly fine being just me. Frhaine loves me.
Raei: Umm...I love Xene's humps...
Sonarra: I'd be someone with a non-white hair!
Carlh: Blaire loves meh, so I don't wanna be someone else
Dhirve: I'd be someone who's not busy convincing Shaia to come to Rosmose and take over the throne!
Jhay: I don't know... Should I be someone else?

Yum num
The last question wasn't exciting... :<

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Work, Work, Work! Just give me a tablet already!

I should be reviewing for my Finals now...but no. I'm gonna work on my other scanned works. I really loved the one I did for Molly; I find it rather cute.:3 Diz-sama wants to see it soon, but I always fail on my schedules...I get too preoccupied all the time...I want a tableeeeet.

Here's a preview :3

It's under a Filter: Sketch> Note Paper
The Sketch filter is now officially my fave filter. :nod::nod:
I have to maintain the low resolution for now, okay? But it's for Molly. :3 I love you, Molly!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Background for charas EDIT

Not much of a background...but!

Second: "Nen". O.O -lol, wut?
She addresses herself as Nen, and first presented herself as a weakened girl to get Reniel train her. :o Quite decieving in her own ways...

So now this raises a question: Which one is the friend, and which is the foe?

And...why do I see a yuri pairing here!?!??! :faint:

Background story of Rhapsody Feirengard: A girl with lost memories...
Rhapsody was "adopted: by Reniel Feirengard after realizing that she had *amnesia. Reniel named her Rhapsody since he thinks she reminds him of his younger sister who was missing. Rhapsody is a Weapon Cast, a multi-weapon. Weapon Cast is also called "Re'al". As a Re'al, she can summon every weapon she needs to use, but it takes up much of her energy and mana upon low level. She's not fond of using long-ranged weapons like bows, guns, etc...but she's interested with them, although she really can't use them well because of her low aim. Despite that, she can use her wings to fly up to shoot a target from above, only if she uses a bow-like attack, which uses a rod as the bow and celestial element-imbued arrows.
Rhapsody gets annoyed whenever Reniel orders her around, but she gets extremely jealous when someone gets "too close" with Reniel, such as Kathura.
She likes trying out and exploring new languages. :3 Also, she likes to whine. A lot.
*spoiler alert! She's the amnesiatic Frhaine!*

Background for Kathura: A young warrior girl who happens to be a princess from another country, but ran away before getting engaged.
Kathura is a 14-year-old (brat) *princess who ran away from her engagement party. She doesn't like being patronized, and she hated her fiance, and due to her parents' pushy-ness and greed, they tracked her down.
In the middle of the chase, she bumps into Reniel, a clan master. She used him to escape and thought she could get away with it, but just as then, Reniel immediately knocked out Kathura's pursuers and followed her. She got cornered by Reniel, and to escape from him, she tries to seduce him, but fails. :3 (Reniel hates girls...)
Being flirty, she wears clothes not suitable for young teens, and Rhapsody constantly reminds her that.

Please take note that even though Kathura is a princess of another country, she still belongs to a race from a "tribe" called Lanchsetter.

That's all for now. It's almost 3 PM!!! I gotta sleep. Nyte!

Finished at last...=.= + Explanations about your votes

My Progress:
First one: Dodges

I had a conversation with Diz-sama, and I really agree with him; black really DOES reflect the characters better, so I switched to this:

Honestly, why didn't you think that dark people appear whiter when they're against something black, such as this bg for example?

You remember that Laazulla (or Rhapsody now)had a pole on her right hand, right? Well I can't draw the weapon on the computer, so (buy me a tablet! lolx jk)I figured that since she doesn't literally own a certain weapon, I don't have to draw her weapon then. :3

Explanation about your votes:

You know, guys, your votes just TIED, both for names of Laazulla and Nen, so I don't know which one to I settled with my own decision, since if I picked one of those votes, some of you might feel bad. I don't tolerate favoritism on votes (not all the time, I mean).

So I had to settle it. I hope you don't feel bad...:worry:

I forgot what else to say. I might come back tomorrow...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


It's bad, huh?
:< I wish our computer never needed to get reformatted...:<

Monday, March 17, 2008

Look at the older post, please

:cries: I really wanna cut my wrist now...
Okay fine, no time for rants, but who wouldn't rant if your computer always fails you in every single fu**in' time, ya???!!?

So yeah...if you look at the older post, you'll see my progress. But I've been tehre already, and I was done with renovating Laazulla (or Chill or whatever, since your votes tied T_T), and I was working on Nen (and again, whatever...) but the computer broke down and failed me and so my entry is dead...:cries:

I'm spending my 1-hour limit on my comp. teacher's internet cafe.

Monday, March 10, 2008

I HATE Realism now, more than ever

Why? Just look at this!

T_T I want to practice anime art... T_T

Should I still continue? I feels so hopeless now...

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Choose... See my latest deviation for more info.

Click on the images to full-view. :3