Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Back after a long hiatus
Haven't updated in a while...
Here are some images I've finished.

Terah-Nouven wallpaper
Gothic Lhea
Jhay, Shaia, Risan "Kiss the Girl"
Shaia Valentine- profile
Risan Aulsen Hawk- Exodus icon
Lol, comic... Blaire and Raei
Blaire greets you "Hello~!"
More images can be found here.
Here are some images I've finished.

Terah-Nouven wallpaper

More images can be found here.
•A little background info•
Sonarra, Xene, Terah-Nouven, and Shaia all belong to Clan Genesis, the secondary/support clan. They serve as a backup.
Sonarra is the secondary leader. Her range is long-range, using a bow (and rarely a rod) for combat.
Xene is the support/buffer/healer. Her range can be long or close range, using spears as weapon.
Terah-Nouven is a temporary character and is soon replaced by Shaia. Both are adept in close range combats and their weapon is a sword called Samera. Terah-Nouven is supposedly male.
Lhea is my classmate. :|
Risan, Raei, and Blaire all belong to Clan Exodus, the primary clan among the Exodus and Genesis twin clan. They make the decisions on whom to send in the battle field or missions.
Risan is the leader and the main attacker. His range is close and long-range, using a deft blade and a pistol as weapons. His element is unknown and has a possiblity to be neutral. He's the only male character in the clan.
Raei is the support/buffer/healer. Her range is long-range and a magic user. Her element is Wind (attack) or Air (heal)
Blaire is the dexterity type. Her range is medium, shooting projectiles either in mid-air or ground, and has the ability to pilfer items. Her element is Fire.
Risan is the leader and the main attacker. His range is close and long-range, using a deft blade and a pistol as weapons. His element is unknown and has a possiblity to be neutral. He's the only male character in the clan.
Raei is the support/buffer/healer. Her range is long-range and a magic user. Her element is Wind (attack) or Air (heal)
Blaire is the dexterity type. Her range is medium, shooting projectiles either in mid-air or ground, and has the ability to pilfer items. Her element is Fire.
Sonarra, Xene, Terah-Nouven, and Shaia all belong to Clan Genesis, the secondary/support clan. They serve as a backup.
Sonarra is the secondary leader. Her range is long-range, using a bow (and rarely a rod) for combat.
Xene is the support/buffer/healer. Her range can be long or close range, using spears as weapon.
Terah-Nouven is a temporary character and is soon replaced by Shaia. Both are adept in close range combats and their weapon is a sword called Samera. Terah-Nouven is supposedly male.
Lhea is my classmate. :|
Frhaine Sonarra,
original characters,
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Dusk Moonlight -fin-
Hello, haven't updated in ages...
I wasn't able to update the finished version of this one when it got done. Here it is:

It's Frhaine and Rienzan with their weapons.
Info on Frhaine:
Her primary weapon is her bed ladder. The one shown on the image is a morphed form, which is yet to be named. Her ladder can take up several forms, depending on her thoughts and moods (and will).
While her skin tone is actually brown, I had to change it. For some reason...*shrug*
To be continued tomorrow. If I remember...
I wasn't able to update the finished version of this one when it got done. Here it is:

It's Frhaine and Rienzan with their weapons.
Info on Frhaine:
Her primary weapon is her bed ladder. The one shown on the image is a morphed form, which is yet to be named. Her ladder can take up several forms, depending on her thoughts and moods (and will).
While her skin tone is actually brown, I had to change it. For some reason...*shrug*
To be continued tomorrow. If I remember...
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Summer's Winter Dream

The Story
Summer (guy) and Winter (girl) are cousins, given that Summer's father and Winter's mother are siblings. Summer's father governs the fire and summer season, while Winter's mother governs the water element and the winter season. The two first met one day when summer is about to end and fall is to come is to come. Winter was moving to the opposite hemisphere and met Summer as he moved to the hemisphere where Winter cam from. They didn't know that they were cousins until Winter was tasked to take over her kingdom's throne where the family gathered.
Sad and heartbroken, the two lovers needed to part and forget their feelings forever. This explains why summer and winter don't come after one another...
The Art
Please remember that the following are my notes to follow.
- Summer's hair symbolizes fire and that grey colored smoke symbolizes air and it is part of his hair.
- Winter's hair comprises of two colors, whose ends fade into Summer's skin color, and signifies the earthen element, her father's governed element. Her first hair color, blue, signifies water, her mom's element.
- I was going to give Summer some tears as well, but it didn't look good on him, so he had to just force himself not to let tears fall...
- The designs are random. :| I had to keep them busy so the background wouldn't look plain.
- Winter was really naked there...or I intended to make her fade, but I forgot that along the way.
- It's digital, although I perceive it as done in traditional media because the sketch was left visible for textures. :)
Friday, May 30, 2008
Forbidden Love #1: Cousins and siblings

The girl's mom and the guy's mom are siblings are from the angel race, while their dad is from the demon race. They're both cousins and siblings, then... The first time their eyes met, they knew that they had feelings for each other. But knowing that they are related in blood, they tried to fight their feelings, but their love was too strong to be handled. Because of that, the girl decided to sacrifice their love through a candle.
The girl, being raised by his dad's family's side, is knowledgeable of sorcery, witchcraft, alchemy, and other magic-related things, so she knows what to do. There's a sacred candle that can only be crafted through the use of ancient alchemy used by her ancestors, but it was said that this candle requires the blessing of heavens, which is quite impossible to obtain, since she has demon blood running through her veins, and demons are not allowed to enter Heaven.
She couldn't ask her cousin/brother/lover to obtain blessings and give it to her because he will be exiled from Heaven. Because of that, she is forced to make a pact with a (selfish) witch named Ebarra. In exchange for the blessing of heavens, the girl must sacrifice her heart. She was hesitant, but she figured that if she can't be with her lover, she can't continue living, either. And so she agreed.
By the night of that day, she asked the guy to meet her in the Myst Temple (or Mystic Shrine...). He arrived. The girl proclaimed her love for him. She sounded so pure and she almost cried, although she had to stop her tears from falling, and hid that with an innocent, pure smile. Right after proclaiming how much she loves him, he lights up the candle and the smoke touched the guy's chest, extracting his love for her. He looked shocked. The candle's light faded softly, and the girl soon falls to the ground. Alarmed, the guy checks on her. The girl confesses about her pact with Ebarra, and those were her last words.
The guy was ultimately heart-broken and the nature sympathized with him-- winds started to rage, the oceans swallowed the land whole, the earth shook, and fires rose. As soon as he stopped crying and makes his resolve, the nature calmed down. He confronted Ebarra. She then tells him that she had feelings for him, too, and that she was depressed that he couldn't give that affection back to her. The candle presented to her wasn't the Candle of Love mentioned in the legends. Ebarra only wanted to end the girl's life by tricking her into getting the heaven's blessings by giving her heart to the witch. She was happy to know that the girl is finally dead, and it is all due to her evil thoughts.
Depressed about his love's death, he lights up the candle and swears his love for her cousin/sister/lover. Right after that, he commits suicide, breaking the rules of Heaven, and now exiled.
However, because of the girl's heart, which contained all her love and her lover's pure non-dying affection for her preserved in their candle, their love for each other will always resonate. Whoever lights the candle will find true love, or if there's a couple, whether in bad or good relationship, their love for each other will forever remain. It is because of the lovers' love swore upon the candle. This candle may not be the candle told by the legends...but it has been the witness of a lovely sacrifice all for true, pure love. And because of that, it proves to be more than the candle told by the legends.
Now onto the art
Please note that the following are my notes on this piece. :)
I can't draw boys. That explains why the guy looks weird... Please excuse my inability...
The girl's hair is based from my hairstyle that day I sketched it, and from some show I was watching...which I can't remember anymore...? And blame my fetish for that chopstick-like hair piece. :3
The guy's clothing was originally supposed to be white... Also, he was the one who I planned on giving demon wings, not the girl. :/ But the plans changed when I sketched angel wings on him, unconsciously thinking...
The girl's face was hard to do...since it was side-view. So was the guy's...
The guy's hair was designed to be spiky like Senel Coolidge's hair, but I FAILED, lol
The smoke was planned while I'm doing it in Photoshop. It seemed cool... And I love smudging...
The guy's clothing looks ripped...because the lines told me to make them that way. :| (You gotta communicate with the lines sometimes, too, you know...)
I had to see how a lit candle looks like when it's in the dark, that's why I had a collection of candles in my Favorites :3
dA description:
Whatever. I mean, I AM satisfied with the results--it looks realistic, so yeah. Whatever. I don't even care that the heads are too large or that their bodies don't curve to the right direction. Keep this in mind when you critique [,] I hate explaining everything to you.
Entry for :devemmil:'s contest, with the theme "Forbidden Love". I have other entries that I'm working on, but this one was really fun to work on. And please ignore the smokes, if I were you. :3
And don't critique/ remind me that the guy only shows one wing-- He had two wings before, but I disabled the lineart layer and yadda yadda :blahblah: and so now, he's a one-winged angel. I hope the judges understand... His wings weren't completed, either, since the sketchpad wasn't large enough, and besides, the scanner couldn't take the whole sketch itself, so why would I want something bigger than the sketchpad size...?
It's forbidden love because they're cousins :|. Don't give me that look now.
The girl's mom and the guy's mom are siblings from the angel race, while the girl's dad is from the demon race. Oh hey, they're not just cousins, btw... Because the girl's dad and the guy's dad are one. :o *shock* Yes, anything can happen when the races differ. (It happened in other stories, so why not here, ne?)
-____- might update later on my blog...or something.
Before I forget, it's not exactly forbidden because of their races. I just don't believe that demon and angel love is forbidden...seriously. I think it's actually romantic. :3
*dodges all your sticks and stones that you throw because you don't believe the same thing, dammit*
Critique now, okay? I won't let you do it again after I edit this. :D
[EDIT] Oh man, you hate it when I like my stuff...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Rienzan: Prince of the Night

---On the process, smokes started to form on the image itself, so I had to do it. The first plan was canceled.
First of all, I had audiences behind me, namely my two male neighbors at the age of my younger brother. Louie (smart 6th grader, this year he's entering 1st year high) was on amazed-state, so I had to continue. It made me feel appreciated, yup. :D
I actually thought that I could fix everything up as long as I know PS...but I was wrong. THE STUPID TUTORIALS ON DA DON"T WORK!!!1!!!!!!!!11111!! :shakefist:
Well let's go explain my concept on him. He looked so awesome on the sketch... Wanna see?

This started out as a little sketch on his face. I had an image of his face with that pose on my mind... I started with his eyes. His eyes... They aren't supposed to look like that, but my hand drew on its own. That's how it really happened...everything is still so clear in my head up to now.
Days have passed, and eventually, I remembered about Drawing-Passion's bishie contest. I wasn't so busy last, last, last night, so I worked on this. I work at night since I get many ideas during that time. WEIRD, I know. I had to redraw his jacket, using photo references on the net, because I'm not exactly familiar with it!
On the drawing process, I first drew the right wing using the design on the left wing (the smaller one). Since I go sentimental over my designs, I just can't erase the first wing design...so I left the left wing alone. :/ Then, I felt that the right wing was too large and so empty, so I added a blade. On the coloring process, I thought of it as a seal.
So here goes:
The wings: I thought of them as symbolic for Rienzan's personality and character. Rienzan isn't a person with a single soul inside a single body; he has an alter ego, who is quite different from him. Rienzan with the outer appearance of a 16-year-old guy is silent, mysterious, way-too-kind, softhearted, compassionate, and...humble.
On the other hand, the other Rienzan who looks like a...21-year-old guy, is also silent, but he's the one who always reminds the other Rienzan that he's a demon and there's no place in his heart for compassion and kindness. When there's a need for Rienzan to kill, it's the 21-year-old-looking ego who takes over him. This other ego has been kept a secret to most people, too, especially to Frhaine.
Now, the wings: the larger wing belongs to the 21-year-old-looking ego. DUUUUUHHH. It has some holes, many of them, but I can't put much detail since I suck...:<
The wings are really meant to be not shaded equally. Why? Because it's supposed to be symbolic! Lol. It has to be different from the other without changing hues/color, so I decided to just change the gradient positioning.
Both wings can serve as defense. But if there's a need for it, the wings can slice up an enemy. So try to keep your distance from him as possible.
The Background: I already had in mind that the bg should be dark and I'd use gradient to fill it. As I drew the wings and added designs, there had been an image forming at the corner of my eye that eventually turned out to be the design/symbol beside him. It has no meaning at all; just something to keep the background busy. :D
The face/skin color choice: It's pale. I realize that. I have to admit, I have no proper eye for the proper skin tone. But I figured that since his race is not human, he can have any skin I want him to have. He's my OC after all... If he were human, I would probably raid joodlez's gallery and eyedrop the skin, but I never do that. I find it illegal or something. :/
The belt strap: Shut up, I find it cool that he has that thing hanging on his head. It's cool. It's COOL. It's COOOOOL!!!! Well basically, if you'd look at my previous Rienzan designs through my dA gallery, you will see that strap, too. I see things when I draw, that's why he has it. When lines cross or create new lines on their own, that's how my OCs become complete. It's not only in my thoughts. That's one of my admirable traits to consider. And I love the fact that I am able to communicate with my lines.
The blade on the wing: I've decided that it's a seal. Rienzan's true powers are too much for him to handle, so it had to be sealed. He IS the Prince of Darkness/Hell/Night, y'know. Heck, if it weren't for the nice 16-year-old ego, the current king would've been dead for ages now, and Rienzan would be ruling over the Underworld.
The three circular ornaments...maybe they could be beads...:shrug: I just had to add designs so I added them. I know; LAME.
The jacket: I had a sketch little character named Enzo (hence, Rienzan's nickname) who wore that jacket. I planned to color it with purple and dark yellow/orange/light red, but it never got scanned because I lost it. :/ My "best friend" (the only closest friend I had in 2nd year anyway) Lovely said he's cute because his jacket was hip-hop, and while designing Rienzan, I had that thought in mind. The original Enzo looked bubblier, though...like Carlh. You haven't seen him yet. Go to hell.
I had a painful experience coloring his jacket... Please don't kill me...
The pants: I can't draw male legs, so he can't wear shorts. :p And he's mysterious, so it fits, right? Or I may be wrong... WHO CARES!? He's mah OC and mah fiancé, so walang kukontra!
I was supposed to just let him fade in the background, but the background is evil, so I had to lay off the ordinary gradients and added smokes. :p
I had a painful experience coloring his pants, too, so don't stab me on your screens, plz.
I'm no professional anyway. :shrug:
Ohhh, while I was working on his face, I could hardly concentrate! I mean...I do have feelings, even though he's just an OC... I take things too seriously... Like, Omigosh, he's looking at me! :faint: lol. I'm like that. :lol:
I honestly thought that he would get more faves that Merfairy... But I hate my watchers now. They can't appreciate my love for my own...
Whatever! ^D^ I only care for those who do like me, so I'll just ignore those who ignore me, too, right?
Peace out~
belt strap,
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